Tips for Job Seekers

Ready to apply for the job of your dreams? Make sure you’re presenting your best professional self, from application to interview, with the help of NYFA Classifieds Team Tips for Job Seekers!


The NYFA Classifieds team has learned a lot about the job-search process over the years. We’ve compiled a few of our most important tips and shared them below.

1. Have a hand-full of references on call at all times.

2. Keep your resume updated and ready-to-go for when the perfect opportunity arises on short notice. The same applies to portfolios, personal and professional websites, and writing samples.

3. Never, ever use a canned cover letter! They should always be tailored to the position you’re applying for. 

4. Do your research before applying. Landed an interview? Do even more research! Subscribing to the organization’s newsletters and following their social media handles is already half of your homework. 

5. Clean up your online act. Recruiters can, and probably will, Google you. Polish your social media presence if you use your handles professionally. If not, keeping them private is always an option. 

6. Yes, you do need a LinkedIn profile; even if you’re a professional artist and don’t intend to be an arts administrator. And make sure to keep it updated!

7. Don’t forget to send a Thank You note and/or email after an interview.

8. Take your time proofreading your application materials. If you have the time, ask a friend to read them over to make sure the language and formatting you’re using is clear. Hint: if you’d like a professional opinion, one of the NYFA coaches can help you! 

9. Keep your cool and trust the process! The cliche is true: job hunting is a stressful job in itself. So make sure you take breaks and seek the support of your friends and family when you feel overwhelmed. Don’t panic if things don’t go your way at first. Instead, take a step back to reassess your strategy and learn from your mistakes.

10. Check out our #MondayMotivation tag on NYFA Current every week for jobs round-ups and even more job hunting tips!

” I first discovered my current job posting on NYFA Classifieds. Having very few professional connections in New York City, I checked the NYFA Classifieds listings almost every day for 2 months. As luck would have it, I stumbled upon three job postings for Artsy in mid-October 2016.”

Caroline Perkins, Collector Relations Associate

Image: Zaq Landsberg (Fellow in Crafts/Sculpture ’17), Zaqistan Decennial Monument, 2015, Aluminum, Steel